Gerard Truffle
Gerard Truffle

Angels & Cowboys

The new release from Dave Gerard

2021 at The Electric Cave


The title? “Angels & Cowboys”.  Also the title track, originally inspired by fun audience banter at a live show. In addition a nod to all the Angels & Cowboys surviving and helping the world during the last fourteen months.


What to do with few live gigs during a global pandemic? Record his 6th solo album! Having no idea what kind of record it would be in this climate, the collection of acoustic and electric songs came to life at The Electric Cave in Portsmouth, NH. Some musicians joined in person, others remotely from as far as Florida.


Helping him shape the sonic landscape are long time band mates, Truffle, as well as returning guests, Conor O’Brien and Kent Raine. The album continues to come to life with Yamica Peterson, Rockin’ Jake, and Marc McElroy who also recorded, mixed and mastered the record. The final track is co-written with his eleven year old daughter Ada, who also plays and sings on it, as well as his wife, Maria, on harmonies. “Angels” has a very live feel with beautiful additional tracks layered in. The artwork by 8.5x11 (Steve Bowden) portrays the juxtaposition of the album title physically and infinitely. “Who are the Angels & Cowboys, and who’s to say who is who”?


Advance Praise: “LOVE the album. There's a perfect cohesiveness with A LOT of different stuff going on. Definitely tells a story, paints a a way that's not linear but holds together fluidly and with intention. I could actually imagine Steve's physical description of holding and turning and looking at the album in so many different ways. It's loaded with so many gorgeous word pairings too...some off beat...some more profound. Shall I go on? “ 


Must See truffle


When we return 2025.....



Sat. Feb. 15 - 7-10:00

ELECTRIC This Time! KitteryME

First show back after two month hiatus!



Sat. March 1 - Doors 6:00

Show: 7:00-10:00 

Electric - Newmarket, NH

W/ Scotty & Jon on horns

Adv Tix Highly Suggested:


WEEKLY & must see dg (BELOW) 



FOR anyone traveling to the USVI for the Groove Thang March tour

 (DG, DB, Kent & Fritz)

Sat. March 8 – Bolongo / Iggie’s

 6-9 – STT

Mon. March 10 – Heidi’s Party  Semiprivate – 7-10 – Water Island

Tues March 11  - Tamarind

 5-8 – Cruz Bay, STJ

Thurs. March 13 – Windmill Bar 

7-9 – Cruz Bay, STJ

Fri. March 14 – Surf Club & Sharkey’s Cantina – 5-8

Coral Bay, STJ  

Sat. March 15 – Hull Bay / Shack

3-6 - St. Thomas

Sun. March 16 – St. Patty’s Parade (10a? ) & Heidis Hilltop – 4-7 – Water Island


When I return.......2025



Wed. Feb. 12 - 6-9:00

Rochester, NH 



Thurs. Feb. 13 - 6-9:00

Newburyport, MA 



Fri. Feb. 14 - York, ME

New Time - 7:00-10:00 


PRESS ROOM - Happy Hour 

5:30 -8:30 - Ports, NH 

1st Wed.  3/5, 4/2 & 16, 5/7



Fri. Feb. 21 - 6-8:00 

Portsmouth, NH 



Sat. Feb. 22 - 4-6:00

Kittery, ME 



Thanks to all for a fantastic outdoor show season! 


Thanks for keeping live music alive!

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© Gerard Truffle